Head Deacon-Tony Ahoia
Asst.-Young Laolagi
Head Deaconness-Maria Leleae
"The office of deacon is described in the New Testament (1 Tim. 3:8-13), where the Greek word diakonos is used from which the English “deacon” is derived. The Greek word is variously interpreted as “servant, minister, writer, attendant” and in Christian circles acquired the specialized meaning now attached to “deacon.” Scripture clearly endorses the office in the New Testament church: “They that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 3:13). On this authority, the church elects some of its members to serve in eminently practical ways, caring for several aspects of church services, as well as for church property.The deacon is elected to office, serving for a term of one or two years as determined by the local church."
-SDA Manual 55